

Daily Activity for Kids – Day 14 – Exploring Technology Activity

During this COVID-19 pandemic, many parents are home with their children and looking for things to do. This is a daily post to give you ideas of fun things to do. It comes from activities that we implement at our daycare centre using our Four Pillars of Learning curriculum. Since we are closed during this time, we are sharing the activity for you to implement in your own home. Enjoy!

Daily Activity for Kids – Day 14 – Exploring Technology Activity

During the preschool years, young children are developing a sense of initiative and creativity. They are curious about the world around them and about learning. They are exploring their ability to create and communicate using a variety of media (crayons, markers, paints and other art materials, blocks, dramatic play materials, etc.) and through creative movement, singing and dancing. Digital technology provides one more outlet for them to demonstrate their creativity and learning.

The educational app store is a great website to introduce young children to. They have apps that you can download to your phone, iPad or computer. There is a great colouring app called Drawing for Kids: Doodle game. It allows children to explore various themes: animals, princesses, cars, school, musical instruments, food, Halloween and Christmas.

There are so many ways that we as parents and caregivers can provide a safe and fun learning experience for children with technology. Here are just a few.

  1. Provide opportunities for children to begin to explore and feel comfortable using “traditional” mouse and keyboard computers to use Websites or look up answers with a search engine.
  2. Capture photos of block structures or artwork that children have created; videotape dramatic play to replay for children.
  3. Record children’s stories about their drawings or their play.
  4. Explore digital storytelling with children.
  5. Look online for photos of places, people, animals, or objects and converse with children about what they are finding.
  6. Use video-conferencing software to communicate with family in other places.


This daily kids activity incorporates many learning areas based on our Four Pillars of Learning curriculum including: STEAM (technology, art) and language and literacy.