

Daily Activity for Kids – Day 42 – Watercolour Art Activity

During this COVID-19 pandemic, many parents are home with their children and looking for things to do. This is a daily post to give you ideas of fun things to do. It comes from activities that we implement at our daycare centre using our Four Pillars of Learning curriculum. Since we are closed during this time, we are sharing the activity for you to implement in your own home. Enjoy!

Daily Activity for Kids – Watercolour Art Activity

We have a fun watercolour art project for you to do with items you will most likely have at home.

Step 1: Gather the following items: baking sheet or plastic tray (to protect your table, and contain any liquid), ice cube tray, liquid watercolours or food colouring, droppers, paper towels, black construction paper, scissors and glue.

Step 2: Pour small amounts of liquid watercolour into an ice cube tray. You can also make the liquid watercolour by adding food colouring to water.

Step 3: Now that you have your watercolours ready to go, give everyone a few sheets of paper towel and put it on the tray. We used the paper towel that’s perforated into half-sheets, and we used one half-sheet per skyline silhouette. Give everyone a few extras though because they’re going to love the process and you can make extra watercolour paper towels just for fun.

Step 4: Using a dropper, add drops of colour all over the paper towel to create the colourful backdrop for their silhouettes.

Step 5: When the paper towel is completely coloured, set it aside to let it dry. You can place it on a drying rack or drape it over a bowl. For toddlers, you may want to stop the activity here and just dry the paper towel art. For preschoolers and older children, continue the activity.

Step 6: Next have the children cut their cities out of piece of black construction paper. You can help your child by drawing it out and having the child cut it along the lines. This is a great activity to teach children to cut along a straight line.

Step 7: Glue the construction paper skylines to the colourful paper towel to see your skyline silhouette come to life.

This daily kids activity incorporates many learning areas based on our Four Pillars of Learning curriculum including: (STEAM – art, science, engineering) fine motor skills.