alpha discovery club

educator engagement

The ECE Classroom – Recap of Episode 1 – Educator Engagement and Empowerment

The ECE Classroom – Recap of Episode 1 – Educator Engagement and Empowerment

by Susie Beghin, RECE, Founder of Alpha’s Discovery Kids


“Your program is only as good as the educators who are delivering it.” – Susie Beghin

I am thrilled to have released our very first episode of “The ECE Classroom” podcast, where we focused on one of the most critical aspects of early childhood education: the educators. I wanted to take this opportunity to give a special shout-out to all the early childhood educators out there. Your hard work and dedication are truly appreciated, and this episode is dedicated to you.

During our episode, we discussed the importance of educator empowerment and engagement. I was honored to welcome a special guest, Anisha Angela, an early childhood education coach and expert with over 14 years of experience in the field. Anisha shared invaluable insights into the challenges educators are facing today, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.


One significant issue we explored is the prevalence of burnout among educators. Anisha highlighted that the burnout experienced by educators today is not the usual nine-to-five fatigue; it runs much deeper and leaves educators questioning their purpose and feeling disconnected from their work.

As Anisha pointed out, burnout not only affects educators but also impacts the children in their care. When educators are burnt out, they may lack the creativity and energy needed to provide high-quality education and care to young children.

We also discussed  the need for educators to adapt to a constantly changing environment. With the onset of COVID-19, educators had to navigate new norms and restrictions, often leading to feelings of uncertainty and stress. To address these challenges, we spoke about the importance of workplace harmony and the need for educators to support one another. Anisha emphasized that creating a dynamic team environment where personal and professional lives can coexist is essential for combating burnout and fostering a supportive workplace culture.

Anisha and I are both passionate about educator empowerment and engagement. We believe that reconnecting with one’s “why” is essential for early childhood educators to feel engaged, empowered, and valued in their roles. By reflecting on what initially drew them to the field of early childhood education, educators can rediscover their passion for their work.

A heartfelt thank you to Anisha for being our first guest on “The ECE Classroom” podcast. Stay tuned for more insightful discussions on early childhood education, parenting, and educator empowerment.

You can listen to the podcast on your favourite podcast platform, or by clicking here:


You can find Anisha on any of the following platforms:

Instagram: Your Early Childhood Coach✨ 


X (formerly Twitter): (@AnishaAngella)

Youtube: Anisha Angella


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