alpha discovery club


The Power of Positivity when Communicating with Kids

Communicating With Kids

“STOP DOING THAT!” “YOU DON’T LISTEN!” “I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU RIGHT NOW!” Some of the things that we as parents say to our children when we are frustrated or upset with them can affect their self-esteem and their opinion of you. Our words are so powerful so we as parents and educators must choose them wisely and try to use positive language as much as possible. Read more ›

Physical Literacy – what is it?

What is Physical Literacy?

Physical Literacy sounds like reading a story while doing a cartwheel; however, it is a term that is both critical to learn and vital for early development for our children. So what is Physical Literacy? Read more ›

We love you too but when it’s time to hit the road……..Alpha’s Awesome Road Trip Tips!

Everyone needs a little holiday now and again and while Alpha’s Preschool Academy loves every member of our toddler, preschool and daycare programs, we know it’s important for families to spend time together too.  Often, this means a summer road trip. (Insert groan here, LOL!) If it’s time for your family to take a little road trip adventure vacation, whether to Grandma’s house or Gander, Newfoundland, we’ve got you covered with some helpful travel tips tailor made for children of all ages! Read more ›

Is it time for daycare? Then it’s time to get Allergy Aware!

You might have heard some recent news stories about a Toronto high school that was vandalized, in part, through the use of peanut butter. You’re not in high school yet – heck your little one hasn’t even started daycare or preschool! “So what’s all the fuss about?” you’re probably wondering. “Surely that peanut butter thing was just a prank?” Well, if your wee one is ready for the next big adventure in his or her life, an adventure that will include spending some time in daycare, then it’s also time for your family to become allergy aware. At Alpha’s, we take allergies seriously and we’d like to share why you too should care. Read more ›

Sunscreen and your Child: Everything you ever needed to know – and stuff you didn’t even know you needed to know!

Kids Sunscreen

Right about now you are probably expressing a huge sigh of relief that winter is well behind us and summer fun has begun.  Gone are the days of rushing out the door after first bundling them up in coats, boots, hats, mittens and scarves. Some mornings, we’re sure you already felt like you’d run a half marathon, just getting your child safely to daycare and pre-school! Now it’s just shorts, t-shirts and a fight over flip-flops or sandals. Easy-peasy! Or is it? The truth is summer can be just as time-consuming when you factor in the SPF factor. Read more ›

Uh Oh – It’s Time to Go!

Consistency is key!

While I’ve known some parents who say (jokingly we think) “sometimes I think it would just be easier to keep them in diapers!” we all know that you don’t really mean it and that it might actually be nice to spend those extra few dollars on something other than disposables. Read more ›

Putting a positive spin on picky eating! (Part 2 of 2)

Last time we talked about a step by step approach to fostering healthy eating habits and what healthy eating might look like.  We started by saying creating a positive attitude towards food begins at an early age and that as parents we role model food preferences every day, both consciously and unconsciously. Therefore, fostering a healthy attitude towards food begins at home. Today, we’ll look at snacking and mindful eating. Read more ›

Putting a positive spin on picky eating!

Putting a positive spin on picky eating!

Part One of a two part series….

There’s an old nursery rhyme about Peter Piper who picked a pepper. My guess is Peter didn’t eat the pepper because peppers are an unusual food group for a child. Or are they? Today we want to talk about picky eaters but from a positive point of view. Creating a positive attitude towards food begins at an early age and as parents we role model food preferences every day, both consciously and unconsciously. Therefore, fostering a healthy attitude towards food begins at home – with the parents and guardians of our precious,  “Picky Peter Pipers.” Read more ›

Tips for Dealing with Separation Anxiety at Daycare

Daycare Separation Anxiety

Goodbyes without tears

It is very normal for young children to experience difficulty separating from their parents. According to psychologists, this behaviour generally peaks between 8 and 18 months of age although many young children continue to have feelings of separation anxiety as they grow up. Read more ›