

High Quality Infant and Toddler Daycare Mississauga

High quality infant and Toddler Daycare Mississauga – For many parents, finding a high quality infant and toddler daycare and child care centre in Mississauga can seem like an overwhelming task. Location, program, staff, quality, flexibility and cost are all key factors in the decision-making process.

The benefits of sending your child to a licensed daycare and child care centre in Mississauga is knowing that your infant or toddler is in good hands with experienced Early Childhood Educators that provide both tender care as well as age-appropriate educational programs.

As a parent and the owner of a well-established daycare and child care centre in Mississauga, I can tell you it’s important to feel comfortable with your decision. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a daycare or child care centre for your infant or toddler.


For many parents, it’s ideal to find an infant or toddler daycare that is either close to work or close to home. When it comes to infant daycare, some mothers look for places close to their work so that they can stop by the daycare and breastfeed their child during their lunch break.

When looking in Mississauga for an infant daycare or child care for your toddler, it’s ideal to also select a location close to the highway, grocery stores, pharmacies etc. to help make the commute easier.


There are a wide assortment of programs offered for infants and toddlers in Mississauga. It is a good idea to look at the program being offered and ensure that you agree with the philosophy of the program. Many parents like their child to be exposed to a second language as research indicates this is great for brain development at a young age, so that can be another consideration.

It’s ideal to find a location in Mississauga that offers infant daycare, but also has appropriate educational programs for toddlers and preschoolers so that you don’t need to change centres as your child grows. Your daycare should offer a wide variety of programs which both entertain as well as help to educate your little one.


Most parents no longer have the traditional 9-5 schedule and because of this, flexibility is important. Finding child care in a licensed daycare environment that can work with your schedule will alleviate a lot of pressure. Many daycares in Mississauga offer part-time programs that cater to infants, toddlers and preschoolers.

At Alpha’s Preschool Academy and Child Care Centre, we know the importance of finding the right daycare in Mississauga for your family. Contact us to find out more about our infant care, toddler programs,  French instruction and high quality programming. We would be happy to give you a tour of our daycare and child care centre and answer any questions you may have.