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Mindful Parenting: Promoting Calmness, Patience, and Connection with Your Children

Mindful Parenting: Promoting Calmness, Patience, and Connection with Your Children

by Susie Beghin, RECE, Founder of Alpha’s Discovery Kids


Have you ever spent hours scouring the internet for parenting tips, seeking solutions to the daily challenges and uncertainties you face? Parenting can often feel like an overwhelming task filled with constant demands and pressures. As a mother and an Early Childhood Education (ECE) educator, I empathize with these pressures firsthand. That’s why I believe mindfulness is so crucial, not only for children but also for us adults. From my conversations with many parents, I know that mindful parenting, which integrates calmness, patience, and a deep connection with our children, is of utmost importance.

Mindful parenting involves being fully present and engaged with your children, fostering a deep sense of awareness and connection. It’s about slowing down, appreciating the moment, and responding to your child’s needs with empathy and understanding. Mindfulness in parenting helps create a supportive environment where children feel valued, heard, and loved. This approach not only benefits the children but also promotes the well-being of parents, reducing stress and enhancing the overall family dynamic.

In this blog, I’ll share some tips that I hope you find helpful in incorporating mindful parenting into your daily life. These tips are designed to help you nurture calmness, patience, and a stronger connection with your children, fostering a positive and supportive family environment.


Tips to Promote Calmness

  1. Practice Self-Care: Before you can be present for your children, it’s crucial to take care of yourself. Ensure you are getting enough rest, eating well, and engaging in activities that rejuvenate you. Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s necessary for maintaining your well-being and being the best parent you can be.
  2. Breathing Exercises: Simple breathing exercises can help both you and your children manage stress and stay calm. Practice deep breathing techniques together, especially during moments of tension. Inhale deeply through the nose, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through the mouth.
  3. Create a Calm Environment: Your home environment significantly affects your family’s mood and behavior. Keep your living space organized and clutter-free to create a sense of tranquility. Soft lighting, calming music, and incorporating natural elements can also contribute to a peaceful atmosphere.

Tips to Promote Patience

  1. Practice Mindfulness Meditation: Regular mindfulness meditation can help you develop greater patience. It trains your mind to stay focused on the present moment and reduces impulsive reactions. Even a few minutes of meditation each day can make a significant difference.
  2. Empathize with Your Child: When your child is acting out, try to see the situation from their perspective. Understanding their feelings and frustrations can help you respond with empathy rather than impatience. Remember, children are still learning how to navigate their emotions and the world around them.
  3. Set Realistic Expectations: Recognize that children are still developing their skills and may not always meet your expectations. Adjusting your expectations to their developmental level can reduce frustration and help you respond more patiently.

Tips to Promote Connection

  1. Engage in Shared Activities: Spend quality time with your children doing activities they enjoy. This could be reading together, playing games, or simply talking. Shared activities foster a strong bond and show your children that you value spending time with them.
  2. Listen Actively: Active listening involves giving your full attention to your child when they speak. Make eye contact, nod, and respond appropriately to show that you are engaged in the conversation. This practice helps your child feel heard and understood.
  3. Express Love and Appreciation: Regularly express your love and appreciation for your children. Positive affirmations, hugs, and kind words go a long way in building a strong emotional connection. Let your children know that they are loved unconditionally.

Mindful parenting is a journey that requires practice and patience, but the rewards are profound. By incorporating mindfulness into your parenting approach, you can promote calmness, patience, and a deep connection with your children. Remember to take care of yourself, practice empathy, and engage in meaningful activities with your children. These practices will help create a supportive and loving environment where your children can thrive.

For more insights and practical tips on fostering your child’s development through play and mindfulness, I invite you to explore my book, Learn to Play. It’s a comprehensive guide designed to help parents and educators provide the best start in life for their children.

By adopting these mindful practices, we can transform our parenting approach, ensuring that we raise happy, healthy, and well-rounded children.

Spring Cleaning for the Mind

Spring Cleaning for the Mind

Spring is all about fresh starts and new beginnings, symbolized by growth and new life. It’s a time when we are encouraged to clean our homes and organize our lives. It’s also a great time to give a little attention to renewing your mental health.

At Alpha’s Discovery Kids, we place equal focus on teaching children about mindful awareness and physical health as we do with teaching them academic skills. We do this because we know how important mental health is to the learning process. Engaging in self-care is fundamental to having a clear and refreshed mind. We often forget to take care of ourselves when busy schedules and caring for others is prioritized. We must actively listen to our mind and body and understand that taking time for oneself is not a luxury or an act of selfishness, but rather a critical element for self-growth and fulfillment. Doing this for ourselves is good for those around you too: your family, your co-workers, and it sets a good example for your children. You may wonder how we calm the busyness and begin the self -care process.

Here are 5 steps that can help you clear and refresh your mind, spirit and body.

5 steps to spring cleaning of the mind, spirit and body


 A clear mind begins with self-love and self-reflection. Self-love starts with taking the time to do the work that is needed to be healthier, happier, and more at peace with yourself. Once you have gifted yourself the time, then reflection can begin. How can we connect with what our mind and body are telling us if we don’t pause and listen first? Renewal of the mind, body and spirit is a journey, and is successful when practiced gradually. The good news is that you have already begun by taking the time to read this blog.

Here’s a little activity you can do to start the reflection process:

  • Imagine yourself sitting beside the water and the waves are crashing. Try to find your reflection in the water.
  • Now, imagine yourself sitting beside the water and there are no waves, and the water is still. Try to find your reflection in the water.

The waves represent your active and stressed mind. You can not see your reflection when the waves are crashing. You must calm the waves and your mind to reflect, refresh and renew. Each of these steps require a mind free of clutter and distractions. Find a quiet place at home or in nature and just take some time for yourself to reflect, without thinking about anything on your to-do list and make sure you don’t have a phone with you or anything else that may distract you.

2.Re-write short-term and long-term goals

It does not matter how big or small. Having a set of goals can give you a sense of purpose in life and guide you toward your desired path.

Short term goals that can bring you joy, and happiness can be as simple as:

  • Reconnecting with an old friend by phone or in person.
  • Taking more time to do enjoy a nice cup of coffee or tea alone
  • Getting a fresh new haircut
  • Forgiving someone who has done you wrong

Long term goals that can bring you joy, and happiness can be as simple as:

  • Planning or completing a project at home
  • Starting a new hobby
  • Booking a trip
  • Read a book
  • Improving a relationship with someone you care about

3.Refresh Physical health

Engaging in physical activity has been scientifically proven to play an important role in sustaining mental health and well-being. This can be as simple as adding one healthy habit to your routine. or removing one unhealthy habit.

Here’s some ideas:

  • Drink more water
  • Park father away so you get a few more steps
  • Put it away – Tidy up as you go
  • Make your bed
  • Opting for fresh over processed food
  • Cutting back on sugar or salt
  • Cut back on caffeine or Alcohol
  • Take the dog out for a walk or run
  • Sign up for a sport you enjoy

4.Renew your spiritual health

Practicing your faith can do wonders for cleansing of the mind. According to wellness coach and author of “The Adrenal Fatigue Solution”, there is a strong connection between faith and mental health. She states “There is one age-old method that can reduce stress levels. It’s free, doesn’t require a prescription, and has zero side effects or drug interactions. You will know it as faith, and millions of people around the world rely on it to see them through hard times. The results are not just anecdotal, there is evidence that it works. Faith and spirituality are abstract concepts, but they can lead to concrete results in mental health improvement and stress reduction.”

Whatever your faith is, spend more time with it. Really connect with it to engage your mind and spirit. 

5. Rethink your stress management skills

Learning coping skills that allow you to accept any given situation is an important skill in reducing stress. Knowing which situations make you uncomfortable can minimize distress and encourage better coping behaviors. Making a conscious effort to notice and understand your inner and outer world at this very moment can improve your mental health. Living in the present moment is difficult when you are distracted with tasks and responsibilities. We forget to appreciate life’s precious moments.

Taking time to develop the skills needed to better manage your stress and anxiety can be as simple as:

  • Take a brief pause in your day to indulge in a sensory experience (Smell something pleasant or touch something soft)
  • Try your best not to dwell on what you can’t control or what is in the past
  • Pay attention to what triggers your stress responses and avoid those things if possible
  • Take a moment to notice the sun and wind on your face
  • Remove physical clutter to clear mental clutter and stress

With these 5 steps to spring cleaning the mind, body and spirit, let’s take a moment to spring into action and be good to ourselves.