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Part time child care

Unlocking the Wonders of STEAM: Embracing the Power of Math

Unlocking the Wonders of STEAM: Embracing the Power of Math

by Susie Beghin, RECE, Founder of Alpha’s Discovery Kids


At Alpha’s Discovery Kids, we are passionate about providing a nurturing and enriching learning environment where children can thrive.

As advocates of STEAM education, we wholeheartedly embrace the power of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math in shaping well-rounded individuals. Our commitment to excellence lies in infusing STEAM concepts throughout our curriculum, empowering young minds with essential skills and fostering a love for learning that lasts a lifetime.

And that’s why we created our unique and comprehensive approach to education, centered around the “The Four Pillars of Learning.” These pillars serve as the foundation of our curriculum, ensuring that every child’s physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being is nurtured and supported.

The 4 Pillars of Learning consist of Language & Literacy, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math), Physical Activity & Nutrition, and Mindful Awareness. Each pillar is carefully designed to complement and reinforce one another, creating a holistic learning experience that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and a growth mindset in our young learners.

By embracing these four pillars, we aim to provide a well-rounded education that prepares children not only for academic success but also for personal growth and success in all aspects.

When it comes to Math, it is more than just numbers and equations. Math is a fundamental tool for understanding the world around us. From counting and measuring to problem-solving and critical thinking, math plays an integral role in shaping a child’s cognitive abilities and analytical skills.

Math is an important part of a child’s development from ages 1 to 5 years. During this time, children explore patterns, shapes, sizes, and counting and encounter math concepts in their everyday activities, from counting cars on the road to the number of plates on the table.

However, math can be daunting for both kids and parents. That’s why we believe in teaching math in a visual and hands-on way. For example, when we say 1 plus 1 equals 2, it’s easier to understand when we can see and touch objects to represent those numbers. We want children to experience math in a concrete way, so they truly grasp its concepts.

Math is all around us, and it’s essential to make it approachable and enjoyable for everyone. Some important math skills that we focus on here at Alpha’s Discover Kids include:

Numeracy skills – Skills like counting are among the first things children learn. Many children learn to count from 1 to 10 by age three. We encourage counting everyday objects in a hands-on way to help them grasp the concept. Once children start to understand the concept of counting, you can introduce written numbers so they learn to associate the written form with the concept.

Problem-solving – Another essential math skill is problem-solving, although this can be a tricky concept for many kids. We support children in their problem-solving process without doing it for them. By using number concepts and skills, we help them develop confidence in their own ability to think things through.

Measurement – Measurement is an exciting aspect of math. Children can explore time, weight, distance, length, height, and width in various activities.

Classification –  Classification is a fun game where children sort and classify objects based on different characteristics like shape, size, or colour.

To incorporate math into everyday activities, we sort various items into baskets, provide objects to count while filling and emptying containers, and make number figures from play dough. These activities make math a part of their daily fun, helping children build essential math skills while having a great time.

We aim to instill a love for Math by making it accessible, enjoyable, and applicable to the real world. We foster a growth mindset, where children embrace challenges, ask questions, and take risks in their mathematical explorations.

For more information about how to use the Four Pillars of Learning system, check out Susie’s book, Learn To Play: The Four Pillars Learning System on Amazon.

For more information about Alpha’s Discovery Kids, or to book a tour, please contact us at or call us at 905-823-8257.


Understanding Separation Anxiety: Navigating Emotions and Building Resilience

Understanding Separation Anxiety: Navigating Emotions and Building Resilience

by Susie Beghin, RECE, Founder of Alpha’s Discovery Kids


As a mother of 2 children and owner of Alpha’s Discovery Kids, I am all too familiar with separation anxiety.

Separation anxiety is a normal part of a child’s development, marked by distress when they are separated from their primary caregiver or a familiar environment. During this phase (which usually peaks between 8-18 months), children may become clingy, cry, or show signs of distress when a parent or caregiver leaves their sight.

Although this stage can be especially trying for parents, separation anxiety is actually a sign of a strong bond between the child and their caregiver. It’s also normal for us parents to experience a bit of separation anxiety when we have to leave our child!           

At Alpha’s Discovery Kids, we understand the challenges that come with separation anxiety, both for children and parents. Our experienced and caring team is here to provide the support and guidance needed to ease the transition during this phase.

Understanding separation anxiety is the first step towards easing the stress that often comes with this stage of a child’s development.

separation anxiety

Communication is Key

Communication is key during this phase. Explaining to our children what will happen while we are apart and when we will return helps them understand that separations are temporary. Showing confidence and trust when leaving them with other caregivers or in new environments comforts our little ones, reinforcing that they are safe and loved.

Empathy and validation of their emotions are vital. Letting them know it’s okay to feel sad or scared when apart and offering words of comfort, reassurance, and understanding assures them that it’s natural to miss someone they love. We are always there for them, no matter the distance.

 Establish a consistent routine

As parents, we want to provide the best support for our little ones as they navigate their emotions during separations.

One way to ease separation anxiety is by having a routine. A consistent and predictable routine helps children feel secure and prepared for upcoming separations. By providing comfort and reassurance before leaving and upon returning, your child will have a sense of safety, stability, and reassurance that we will always return.

As you drop off your child at daycare, we encourage parents to let the teachers do what they are trained to do.  As difficult as it is to leave, I know from experience that most often, within 10-15 minutes of parents walking out the door,  their child will calm down and be distracted by their peers, toys or activities going on in the classroom.

Stay Calm and Patient (and set a positive tone)

Separation anxiety can be challenging for both children and parents. But parents need to understand they are the ones who set the tone. You want this to be a positive experience which means you, as the parent, need to approach separating in a positive way. If you have any negative feelings or apprehensions, your child will pick up on this.

Staying calm and patient during moments of distress is essential for both children and parents. Remember, this phase is a normal part of their development, and will pass with time.

Encouraging their independence in exploring their environment and trying new things builds their confidence, making separations less anxious. And by fostering interactions with other trusted adults and children in safe and enjoyable settings, you can allow these connections to help your child feel secure in various environments.

Provide a familiar item

Building a safe and welcoming environment is another essential aspect. Surrounding our children with familiar objects, toys, or comfort items offers them a sense of security even when they are away from us. Sending your child with a keepsake item that reminds them of you and being at home will make the separation much easier.  This item could be a photo, favourite toy or stuffed animal.

Gradual Goodbyes

When it’s time to say goodbye, keep it brief and positive. Prolonged goodbyes can make the separation more challenging for both you and your child. Reassure them that you will be back soon and give them a loving hug or kiss before leaving.

Consistency is essential in helping children feel secure during separations. Try to maintain a regular schedule and routine as much as possible. Consistency can give children a sense of predictability and stability, reducing anxiety.

Seek Support if Needed

Remember, separation anxiety is a natural part of growing up, and with patience, understanding, and support, children can navigate this phase successfully. By offering comfort, reassurance, and gentle transitions, we can help our children develop resilience and emotional security, setting the stage for confident and independent individuals in the future.

Watch our YouTube video for more strategies and support during this difficult time. 

At Alpha’s Discovery Kids, we strive to make the transition during separation anxiety as smooth as possible for both children and parents. Through a nurturing environment, consistent routines, and supportive educators, we help children feel secure and confident while their parents are away.

Our focus on building positive relationships, encouraging independence, and offering open communication creates a caring community where children can thrive and grow. With our dedicated team by their side, children can navigate separation anxiety with resilience and emotional well-being, setting the foundation for a positive and fulfilling early childhood experience.


For more information on our 4 Pillars of Learning, or to book a tour, please contact us at or call us at 905-823-8257.




Announcing my new YouTube Channel

Announcing my new YouTube Channel – @Susie-Alphas

by Susie Beghin, RECE, Founder of Alpha’s Discovery Kids


As an educator and a mother of two wonderful kids, I understand the challenges and joys of parenting firsthand. Over the years, I have encountered numerous questions from parents seeking guidance on a wide range of topics related to early childhood. Whether it’s dealing with a toddler’s constant “no,” managing separation anxiety or finding the right daycare, I have heard it all.

And my experience ultimately led me to write my book,  ‘Learn To Play,’ where I used the knowledge I have gained as an ECE educator and mother to create our unique curriculum, The Four Pillars of Learning. My goal is to share this teaching method with parents and educators as a tool for learning at home and in the child care setting.

And now, I am adding a new way of sharing information with parents. I am thrilled to announce the launch of my new YouTube channel, @Susie-Alphas. I created this platform to address your burning questions and concerns about early childhood and to provide a go-to resource for reliable information. My hope for this endeavor is to help parents navigate the early years, and that’s precisely what I aim to do with this channel.

The information on early childhood is scattered across the internet, making it challenging for parents to find comprehensive and reliable answers to their specific questions. In launching this YouTube channel, I aim to create a focal point where parents can turn to for valuable insights and practical advice on various aspects of early childhood.

One of the driving forces behind @Susie-Alphas is to provide real answers to real questions from real parents. I encourage you to send in your questions, and each week, I will address a new question in a video. Your questions are what make this channel truly valuable, as they reflect the concerns and interests of parents just like you. If a question or concern arises frequently, you can expect a video on that topic because if it’s essential to you, it’s essential to me as well.

As you explore the @Susie-Alphas YouTube channel, you’ll also find links to my book, ‘Learn To Play,‘ which serves as a comprehensive guide for parents and caregivers. It delves deeper into various aspects of early childhood, providing you with more in-depth knowledge and understanding.

My aim is to inform, support, and empower parents on their journey through the early years. Some of the topics I plan to cover include mom guilt, building confidence in your child’s environment, managing toddler behaviour, handling separation anxiety, finding the right daycare, addressing biting behaviour, navigating potty training and nutrition.

However, the journey doesn’t end here. I want to hear from you! What else do you want to know about early childhood? Let me know your burning questions, and I’ll make sure to address them in upcoming videos.

I firmly believe that the @Susie-Alphas YouTube channel will allow parents to come together in this virtual space, creating a supportive community where we share similar experiences, challenges, and triumphs.

Don’t forget to subscribe to @Susie-Alphas on YouTube and hit the notification bell so you never miss a video. Together, let’s navigate the early years and create a strong and supportive community of parents who are ready to embrace the joys and challenges of parenting.


For more information on our 4 Pillars of Learning, or to book a tour, please contact us at or call us at 905-823-8257.


Engineering in the Early Years

Four Pillars Of Learning – Pillar #2 – STEAM (Engineering edition)

by Susie Beghin, RECE, Founder of Alpha’s Discovery Kids


My mission has always been to provide children with the best possible start in life and help them develop the critical skills they need to thrive.

When I began writing my book, ‘Learn To Play,’ my primary goal was to use the experiences and knowledge I have gained as an ECE educator and mother. It was also a way for me to document our daycare curriculum and make it accessible to parents everywhere! 

The Four Pillars of Learning is a comprehensive program that addresses a child’s physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It comprises Language & Literacy, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math), Physical Activity & Nutrition, and Mindful Awareness.

At Alpha’s Discovery Kids, these pillars are prominently displayed in every classroom across our three locations, and our goal is to ensure children have access to a well-rounded education while learning in a meaningful (and fun) way.

preschool class

Pillar 2 – STEAM – E is for Engineering 

One of the pivotal parts of STEAM is engineering, but when people hear the term ‘engineering,’ they often think it’s something that young children cannot do. However, I use the term intentionally because engineering is precisely what these children do. “Engineering is the process by which young children discover how things in their world are built, and how they work”.

One of the ways we teach engineering in our classrooms is through dedicated and specific areas for construction and building activities. In my last blog, we detailed the integral part that loose parts play in children using their creativity and imagination while learning.

And alongside loose parts, we incorporate materials such as blocks, which hold a special place in my heart. The reason I love blocks is that they are open-ended and allow children to create anything they desire, promoting imagination and creativity. In engineering in our classrooms, we have and use blocks of all sizes, which encourage stacking, sorting, connecting, and disconnecting.

When children engage in engineering activities, they often gravitate towards building tall towers. There is a sense of accomplishment in constructing something tall, even if it only lasts for a few seconds before being knocked down. Both the act of building and knocking down are significant learning experiences, as it allows children to explore concepts of balance, size, and structure as they figure out how to make their towers taller and more stable.


In engineering, we also shift our focus from the end product to the process itself. Instead of dictating what children should create, we provide them with materials and let them decide how to use them. The learning lies not in making a specific object but in gaining insights into size, balance, and cooperation. Engineering becomes a cooperative activity where children work together, negotiate, and problem-solve as they construct and interact with their creations.

The construction area of our classrooms also serves as a hub for social skill development. Children learn to collaborate with their peers, navigate conflicts, and share ideas. They face situations where they need to communicate their preferences and make decisions collectively. It’s an environment that fosters cooperation and encourages children to develop essential social and emotional skills.

The construction area is often our classrooms’ most popular and well-utilized space. Children are drawn to the joy of building and creating. It is a place where their imaginations come alive, they have the freedom to experiment, and they can engage in hands-on learning experiences. As a result, we allocate significant space to this area, recognizing its importance in promoting exploration, creativity, and problem-solving.

Through our focus on engineering, we strive to instill a sense of wonder and curiosity in children. We want them to understand that the process of building and creating is just as valuable as the end result. By embracing engineering in early childhood education, we provide children with opportunities to develop critical thinking skills, expand their imaginations, and foster cooperative relationships.

At Alpha’s Discovery Kids, we are committed to cultivating a love for learning and empowering children to become lifelong learners. Our Four Pillars of Learning, including the exploration of engineering through STEAM, form the foundation of our curriculum. Through these pillars, we create an environment where children can grow, explore, and discover their talents.


For more information on our 4 Pillars of Learning, or to book a tour, please contact us at or call us at 905-823-8257.


4 Pillars Of Learning – Pillar #2 – STEAM (Science)

4 Pillars Of Learning – Pillar #2 – STEAM (Science)

by Susie Beghin, RECE, Founder of Alpha’s Discovery Kids


At Alpha’s Discovery Kids, we aim to create a nurturing, safe space where every child feels they are in their home away from home.

And we know that the first six years of a child’s life are the most formative. These are the years when young brains develop rapidly, and children are like sponges, soaking up information and modelling behaviours from those around them.

That’s why providing the best learning environment possible is at the core of everything we do. We are committed to showing children how to develop the critical skills they need to succeed in life.

With each child’s unique strengths taken into account, we believe in child-initiated and teacher-supported learning experiences that foster their naturally inquisitive nature and cater to their individual needs.

We do this by focusing on our 4 Pillars of Learning: Language & Literacy, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math), Physical Activity & Nutrition and Mindful Awareness.

And as you walk through each of our Alpha’s Discovery Kids locations, you’ll experience our award-winning 4 Pillars Of Learning system echoed in each classroom.

SCIENCE (The first component of STEAM)

We infuse learning in everything we do and believe that the strength of our pillars is in combining learnings from multiple pillars.

Science activities are a fan favourite at Alpha’s Discovery Kids, as it often involves many things to do with nature.

Some of the fun ways we introduce and teach science include:

  • Nature walks – a great way of combining physical activity, mindfulness, language and science, nature walks are a fantastic way of sparking children’s natural curiosity. With so many things in nature to see, children can experience a multi-sensory world of wonderment on every trip outside.
  • Bringing nature inside – with so many aspects of nature for children to learn, we love bringing nature inside. This can include sensory bins filled with soil, mud painting and exploring the various properties of soil (from dry to wet). Kids also enjoy planting seeds inside pots which stay in the classroom until they are ready to be transplanted outside in the spring.
  • Look beyond chemistry – a lot of people associate science with chemistry. And we absolutely enjoy doing some fun chemistry experiments in our classrooms. But there are so many different aspects of science to explore, including astronomy, biology and physics. We dabble in every area of science so that our children can explore the various disciplines of science.

At Alpha’s Discovery Kids, we find that children, in general, are budding explorers, and science is all about exploration and discovery. So we encourage each of our children to understand that as they explore something new in their world, they’re actually little scientists!

As we teach science in our classrooms, it’s done in an age-appropriate manner. For our toddlers, we teach science through several activities, focusing on sensory-oriented activities. We find that toddlers love exploring sensory bins, experimenting with water, how various items float, how sand flows through different sieves and exploring a wide variety of natural materials, including pine cones, soil, leaves, etc.

As we progress through the older ages, kids explore science by creating their own solar system, making their own planets and learning where each is located. We also begin to explore sources of energy, the differences between living and nonliving things, the different types of animals and plants, and their characteristics.

By making science fun, we can tap into a child’s natural desire to learn.


For more information on our 4 Pillars of Learning, or to book a tour, please contact us at or call us at 905-823-8257.

Alpha’s Discovery Kids Celebrates Mother’s Day

Alpha’s Discovery Kids Celebrates Mother’s Day

by Susie Beghin, RECE, Founder of Alpha’s Discovery Kids


Mother’s Day is a time for everyone here at Alpha’s Discovery Kids to celebrate moms and everything they do.

But this is also a day that can bring up a whole host of emotions for mothers. So often complex and challenging, motherhood isn’t always flowers and sunshine.

As a mom, I know the mix of happiness, joy, challenges and struggles that mothers face daily. Motherhood is a time to be cherished, but we also have to realize that many mothers face hardship and challenging times as well. Often juggling a career, home and kids, it can sometimes seem overwhelming to hold it all together.

And we never know what other moms are experiencing. So much of what we see and celebrate about Mother’s Day are the positive aspects. But many are experiencing Mother’s Day from a different lens. Emotions can run the gamut, with many moms suffering from fertility challenges and pregnancy issues or dealing with the experience of losing their own mom.

I want to share one message with all moms: you’re doing AMAZING.

Through the: Sleepless nights, Temper tantrums, Mess and disorganization, Learning curves, Exhaustion from overworking, Worry about whether your unborn child will be ok, Worry about whether your child is hitting the “milestones” they should, Unbearable and unimaginable pain of losing a child or Days of trying to explain to your child about the world we live in, you are doing a fantastic job.

As moms, I feel like we never truly “have it down pat .” Instead, most of us go through motherhood as trial and error, figuring it out as we go.

And that’s ok! Especially in today’s world, there is a seemingly constant comparison of how you stack up to other moms. With unrealistic and exceedingly high expectations, social media plays a huge part in feeling like you don’t measure up.

If you head onto any social media platform, you can be bombarded with images of “perfect” moms doing “perfect things .” Whether it’s moms creating perfect packed lunches with heart shaped designs, or birthday celebrations filled with beautiful hand made decorations and arts and crafts, or a perfect March Break vacation at a beautiful destination with perfectly behaved kids, it can foster feelings of failure for many moms.

But here is a gentle reminder that everything you see isn’t always reality. Motherhood isn’t a race. And it isn’t a competition. There is no such thing as “perfect” when it comes to being a mom. And by giving yourself grace and understanding, hopefully, you can realize that you are amazing just the way you are.

I encourage all mothers this Mother’s Day to let their partners or families know what it is you’d like to do to enjoy Mother’s Day. After all – this day is supposed to be about celebrating you!

So whether it’s spending time with family, a little bit of pampering (maybe a spa day), sleeping in, someone else taking over the chores (such as cooking and cleaning) or being showered with appreciation and love, make sure you express what it is that you’d like on this Mother’s Day.

And to celebrate our Alpha’s Discovery Kids Mothers, we have a few special Mother’s Day activities lined up at all our locations.

  • Our Moms will receive a heartfelt gift from their little one(s).
  • We will offer a Mommy and Me Activity Day on Friday, May 12th, where all our moms can come into the daycare and do a special activity with their child.
  • We’ll also offer a little pampering with 10-minute chair massages for each mom.

From our entire Alpha’s Discovery Kids Family, we wish all of our mothers a Happy Mother’s Day!!

For more information about Alpha’s Discovery Kids, please contact us at or call us at 905-823-8257.




Language and Literacy in the Early Years – Four Pillars of Learning

Language and Literacy in the Early Years – Four Pillars Of Learning – Pillar #1

by Susie Beghin, RECE, Founder of Alpha’s Discovery Kids


When I sat down to write my book, Learn To Play, my goal was to share the knowledge and learnings that I have personally had during my time as an ECE educator and a mom.

My mission has always been to give children the best start in life, and at the core of this is showing children how to develop the critical skills they need to succeed in life.

Parents and Caregivers are the most important educators for our children, and our goal at Alpha’s Discovery Kids is to help enhance what parents are already doing at home by guiding children through each of our Four Pillars of Learning, allowing them to learn in a meaningful way.

When I developed the Four Pillars of Learning system, my focus was on developing a program that meets a child’s needs from physical, cognitive, social, emotional and spiritual well-being.

The Four Pillars of Learning consist of Language & Literacy, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math), Physical Activity & Nutrition and Mindful Awareness. These pillars are taught in every classroom in each of our 3 locations.




Just like the foundation of a house helps support the rest, Language & Literacy is the basis of all the other pillars. However, children cannot learn the other pillars without first learning communication, both spoken and written.

In the early years, especially at the toddler stage, we heavily focus on spoken language, as this is the basis for the eventual skill of reading and writing.

We understand how imperative helping little brains to form is, and we recognize that each stage of growth and development requires focused and unique techniques geared towards helping kids learn and grow to the best of their ability.

When it comes to language and literacy, at Alpha’s Discovery Kids, we understand that the more we speak with children and engage them in real conversation, the better the child will develop these skills.

By teaching language and literacy in a fun and intuitive way that is easy to understand and remember, kids get to be kids while learning! And we don’t leave the learning to just one part of our day – literacy is weaved into every aspect of our children’s day. From listening to language songs during meal times to narrating play, we make learning language part of everything we do.

All of our early childhood educators narrate and label throughout the day. We even label objects with their word (e.g. the word table is taped onto a table) so that sight word memory can be infused throughout the classroom.

And by narrating and providing a play-by-play of what they are doing or using, our teachers can help the children increase their vocabulary in an easy and fun way.



jolly phonics

Here at Alpha’s Discovery Kids, we use the award-winning Jolly Phonics program. This program has been incredibly successful in helping kids learn to read and write in their early years. The program teaches letter sounds instead of the alphabet, starting with the most common letter sounds (S, A, T, etc.).

The goal is to start getting kids familiar with letters they will most often see and use for reading and writing. And by using a play-based program that uses music and song to teach letter sounds and letter names, kids can then piece together the various sounds to make words.

The amazing part of this program is that when kids learn the letter sounds, even if they don’t know the names of the letters yet, they can piece the sounds together to create words. And by blending the sounds, they can start to build and formulate words and, eventually sentences!

We also understand that learning styles will vary from child to child. Our literacy programs work for any type of learner. If your child is an auditory learner, they’ll learn from the catchy songs. If they are visual learners, they’ll learn from the movements and actions. And if they are Kinesthetic, they’ll learn by body movements that accompany the letters.

All of our knowledge and nurturing staff have one goal – to keep your child safe while fostering their creativity in a warm, caring environment while allowing them to reach their full potential. 

By being patient and using specific strategies to help build their language skills, it’s amazing to see the progress a child can make.


Our New Mississauga Location is located at 2632 Liruma Road, Mississauga, ON L5K 1Z1.  To book a tour or for more information, please contact us at or call us at 905-823-8257.




Easter Fun For Kids!

Easter Fun For Kids!

by Susie Beghin, RECE, Founder of Alpha’s Discovery Kids

At Alpha’s Discovery Kids, we believe in making learning fun. Whether it’s learning to recognize sounds, how to self-regulate, or the many wonderful things our world has to offer, we are dedicated to creating an environment where kids can explore their creativity and be kids!

Easter is always a time our staff and children look forward to.  After all, what’s not fun about bright, colourful artwork, egg hunts, cute bunnies and treats! And no matter what cultural background our children come from, we love being able to share different holidays and celebrations, which help to increase children’s cultural awareness.

With spring (and Easter) almost here, we’ve come up with some fun ways you and your family can enjoy this holiday.

easter egg OUTDOOR FUN

Spring can be tricky in terms of weather, but some outdoor fun is always a win, no matter the weather!

Here are some fun outdoor activities to try:

#1 – Easter bunny tag – make exercise fun by popping on a pair of bunny ears and playing a good ole game of bunny tag

#2 – Egg & spoon race – to make less of a mess, try painting plastic eggs (or go with a regular hard-boiled egg) and then hand each person a soup spoon (with the egg in it)  while you see who can make it to the finish line first without dropping their egg

#3 – Visit a petting zoo or farm – animals are always a crowd favourite, and spring is a great time to visit a farm and hopefully spot a baby animal (or two!)


To help your child build on their literacy skills, try an EASTER EGG MATCH. Grab some plastic eggs, a sharpie and a basket or bowl. 

Write each letter of the alphabet with the marker, writing the upper case letter on one half of the plastic egg and the lower case letter on the bottom half.  Then, pull the eggs apart and put them in the basket or bowl. 

The challenge is for your child to match the upper and lower case letters. 

Note: You may have to help little hands fit the eggs back together!

easter craft


A great way for kids to get creative is during arts and crafts time.  Try these fun Easter-themed projects and let their imagination take them wherever they like!

Handprint Easter Cards – From lambs to chicks, your little artist can create an adorable card with their handprint! Start with some non-toxic black paint covering your child’s hand and help them press their hand onto a piece of construction paper.

Allow the paint to dry, and then spread some craft glue onto the palm of the hand, leaving the tips of the fingers with no glue.  Help your child glue on cotton balls, followed by a googly eye on the thumb and attach a ribbon around the neck area

Easter egg roll & paint – Grab a long storage container, some plastic eggs, washable paint and a long sheet of craft or packing paper.

Tape down the packing paper to the bottom of the storage container, then add 3 colors of paint to the paper.  Next, drop in 3 plastic eggs and let the rolling begin! Depending on how much your child shakes the bin will determine how much paint covers the paper.


For this Easter fun science experiment, you’ll need plastic easter eggs, egg carton, baking soda, vinegar, squirt bottles, food dye and a storage container or cookie sheet.

  • Put half a plastic egg in each egg carton slot
  • Put a couple of drops of food coloring in each egg half, followed by a spoonful of baking soda on top
  • Fill your squirt bottle with vinegar and have your child squirt the vinegar into the egg half

Most kids get a kick out of seeing which colour of bubbles they’ll uncover as the vinegar mixes with the baking soda and food colouring.

Happy Easter!

 From our Alpha’s Discovery Kids Family to yours, we hope you have a fun-filled Easter!

Our New Mississauga Location is located at 2632 Liruma Road, Mississauga, ON L5K 1Z1.  To book a tour or for more information, please contact us at or call us at 905-823-8257.



March Break – 4 ideas for fun-filled family time!

March Break – 4 ideas for fun-filled family time!

by Susie Beghin, RECE, Founder of Alpha’s Discovery Kids

For many families, March Break is a time when they can decompress and spend some quality time together. 

But as March Break quickly approaches, many are left wondering what creative things they can do to keep their little ones busy and active during the time off.

Luckily, for those of us who call Ontario home, there are so many magical places to visit, all practically in our backyard! So whether you’re aiming for indoor or outdoor, we’ve rounded up a few fun and family-oriented activities to help get you started.

Anyone up for maple syrup!?

  • Maple Town, Milton (Mountsberg – 2259 Milburough Line, Campbellville) – producing maple syrup for over 150 years, this park allows visitors the chance to do guided tours and independent exploration. 
  • Maple Syrup Festival, Oakville (Bronte Creek Park – 1219 Burloak Drive, Oakville) – an opportunity to enjoy some maple taffy while visiting farm animals and enjoying a guided tour of Maple Lane. This festival also includes a visit to Spruce Lane Farm, where you can learn how to make maple sugar
  • Bruce’s Mill – 3291 Soutffville Road, Stouffville – wagon rides, kids activities, demonstrations and pancakes with real maple syrup are what you can expect at this maple syrup trail.

Water anyone?

If you have a budding swimmer in your family but are looking for something different other than your local community pool, you’re in luck. If you’re willing to explore slightly outside of the GTA, your options will definitely expand.

The Niagara Falls area offers several water parks to choose from. So whether you want to make a day trip or stay overnight, you have a few options.

  • Great Wolf Lodge is a classic for families, with one of the biggest water parks in Canada offering indoor fun for kids of all ages. From water slides to hot tubs and wave pools, you’re sure to keep busy
  • Waves Indoor Waterpark, located in the Americana Conference Resort & Spa, offers over 25,000 sqft of water fun for the family. With day passes available, you have the flexibility to enjoy the pool, toddler splash area and more
  • Fallsview Indoor Water Park offers 3 acres of family water fun, with hot springs, an indoor wave pool and day passes available
  • Plunge Aquatic Centre is located in Blue Mountain and offers hot tubs, rope swings, waterslides and pool basketball nets. With an indoor splash pad, families of all ages can enjoy the water.  And if you’re in the mood to stay more than a day, maybe combining water fun with some outdoor activities, Blue Mountain has many overnight accommodation options available.

Be at one with nature

Have a child who is in love with nature and animals? March Break is a great time to explore farms, parks and destinations which encourage children’s natural curiosity.

  • Bird Kingdom & Butterfly Conservatory, Niagara Falls – 2 different locations with a host of nature-filled fun, kids will get see a variety of feather and winged creatures
  • For reptile lovers, Reptilia now has a Whitby location where families can explore at their own pace through the 31,000 sqft of indoor reptile exhibits, including lizards, snakes and crocodiles.
  • Royal Botanical Gardens, Burlington, offers families a chance to explore wetland animals, a variety of plants and flowers and self-guided activities exploring the Rock Garden

Just want to veg out indoors?

Those who want to relax at home still have plenty of opportunities to create magical, fun-filled days and evenings.

From finger painting, games, baking, and indoor obstacle courses, to DIY toys and indoor gardens, there are lots of simple activities you can line up during the break.

To encourage imaginative play, another popular activity for kids is indoor camping – all you need is to build your own fort or tent, decorate with lights (optional) and enjoy some campfire snacks, such as smores! Bonus – you won’t need to contend with mosquitos!

Creating your own drive-in movie theatre experience is also a hit with families. Try making your own cars out of boxes – there are a ton of free templates for designing your car online. If you have a projector and screen, it can really help replicate the experience, but a regular TV works just as well. Try adding in some cozy items, like blankets and pillows, and some fun movie snacks, like popcorn, and enjoy!

Enjoy your March Break!

Our Alpha’s Discovery Kids family hopes that you have a fantastic March Break! 

Our New Mississauga Location is located at 2632 Liruma Road, Mississauga, ON L5K 1Z1.  To book a tour or for more information, please contact us at or call us at 905-823-8257. 

Alpha’s New Mississauga Daycare Location Grand Opening event!

Alpha’s Discovery Kids New Mississauga Daycare Location Grand Opening event!

by Susie Beghin, RECE, Founder of Alpha’s Discovery Kids


It’s hard to believe that our new Mississauga Daycare location has been open for 1 month already. This has been a whirlwind of excitement, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to be able to welcome more families and children to their new ‘home away from home.’

We are beyond ecstatic about how well-received our new location has been, and we have just wrapped up our fantastic grand opening event, which took place on February 25th, 2023.

I feel a mixture of joy, happiness and sincere gratitude for everyone who supported me along the way and made this newest Alpha’s Discovery Kids location possible. Our event was a true celebration of support and community and I couldn’t be more proud of this brand new centre.

A recap of our grand opening event

ribbon cutting

A day to remember, our grand opening event was a huge success.  In addition to the many new and existing families and children of Alpha’s Discovery Kids, our families, friends, colleagues and community members, we were pleased to have welcomed distinguished guests, Charles Sousa, Member of Parliament of Canada – Mississauga-Lakeshore, Rudy Cuzzetto, Member of Provincial Parliament – Mississauga-Lakeshore and Councillor Alvin Tedjo, Ward 2 Mississauga, and we are incredibly thankful that they took the time to attend and support this event.

Our children are our future, and having the support of all those who attended means the world to us. It was an incredible sight as we were able to see the reactions of everyone who toured our new centre. I couldn’t be more proud to provide a safe space where our children can be cared for in a fun, loving, educational environment.


And earlier this month, we had the absolute pleasure of welcoming Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce to our daycare. We are incredibly grateful for the support of Mr. Lecce, and for his participation in celebrating our grand opening.


Our new Mississauga Location

Bright, airy classrooms.  Fresh white walls.  A blank canvas to create multitudes of amazing memories.  Our newest location has been a true labour of love.

And this weekend, we were able to celebrate everything our new location has to offer.  With 6 classrooms that can accommodate 93 children, flexibility with both part-time and full-time care available and an inclusive environment where every child is welcome, the feedback we have received has been outstanding.

lecce teachers

At the core of Alpha’s Discovery Kids is our unique 4 Pillars of Learning Curriculum. With the first 6 years of a child’s life being the most formative, it is imperative that we help children understand they can grow to be anything they desire.

From Language/Literacy, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math), physical activity/nutrition and mindful awareness, these 4 Pillars are integral to everything we do.  And in our new location, these pillars are reflected in every room you visit.


MPP Charles Souza stated “Early years education is so critical, and we know how important it is in terms of everyone becoming who we are today and leaders of the world thereafter. Using the 4 Pillars of Learning principles that Susie talked about, is essential.”

Alpha’s Discovery Kids offers a family first mentality, caring and experienced teachers and thoughtfully laid out spaces meant to foster children’s creativity while ensuring the well-being of each child is at the forefront.

Each of our Alpha’s Discovery Kids locations echoes our core values while aiming to provide warm, consistent care that helps spark children’s natural curiosity, exploration, play and inquiry. From nurturing staff, to community involvement, to flexible, safe learning spaces, we are pleased to provide our families with childcare they have come to trust.

Our commitment to offering safe, exceptional childcare is our top priority and having the ability to host our families and community members in our newest Mississauga location is truly the icing on the cake.

Thank you to each and every one of those who attended our grand opening celebration and for making it such a great success. We look forward to welcoming families to Alpha’s Discovery Kids!


We can’t wait to welcome you to Alpha’s Discovery Kids!

Our New Mississauga Daycare Location is located at 2632 Liruma Road, Mississauga, ON L5K 1Z1.  To book a tour or for more information, please contact us at or call us at 905-823-8257.